DrAngband Changes: ------------------ DrAngband 2.9.9 (July 2001) --------------------------- - Borgs need to be able to use 2handed weapons <-- still needs work. * Tweaked the monster mana to slightly increase the amount of mana. * Fixed the damage calculator for the pseudo and blue dragon major breath. Previously the fire_sphere() had damage decreasing away from the center of the blast. The -LM- note indicates that the spell should deliver the same damage throughout the radius. * Added new Dragon Races: Red, White, Blue, Green. R, W, & G dragons have the expected beam/bolt and arc breaths. Blue dragon has a beam and a 'electric explosion' second attack. This is similar to the psuedodragon second attack. * borg has been taught to use the new dragon breaths. * Randart jewelry descriptions fixed, the borg can use them now. * Life potions and restore constitutions repaired. * Detection failrate decreased again. * Repaired spell 1,1 destroy doors/traps to work on doors (non aiming spell). * Borg re-enabled * Hounds made a bit smarter, they no longer hide in a room. * Repaired the bugs related to traps being out of sync. DrAngband 2.9.8 (Apr 2001) --------------------------- * Fixed the (extremely hard to find) bug which gave Ring of Fire Resistance a random high resist. * Chests are more attractive by producing items 35 levels OOD. Small chests produce money and jewels (rings or amulets). * The value of shop items will now increase relative to the player level. * Acquirement scroll now creates a randart item. * New wizard command of 'r' to create Randart, works like 'g' & 'v'. * Dragon breaths altered to make them more useful. * Ethereal Lock balanced by reducing duration and increasing cost. * Teleport Other has increased range, it was worthless before. * Hold Foe has increased duration. * Word of Destruction did not kill monsters, but now it does hurt them. * Mage spell of Cone of Cold given greater range. * Added a new non-unique town monster -- You'll know it when you see it. * Much smarter monster AI, careful. * Monster Mana has been implemented. * Striking will do extra damage if the monster can not be pushed back. * 52 item inventory makes it too easy, returned to 23. * Two Handed weapons are two-handed which means no shield can be used with the weapon. To make them more enticing, extra bonuses are given to the two-handed weapons: +10 to hit, +5% dam, +1 attack per round. * Fixed a bug that made stunned monsters freeze. * Invisibility made more effective. DrAngband 2.9.7 (Jan 2001) --------------------------- * Reduced the fail rates on detection spells some. They failed too often. * Repaired bugs to randart rings, * Repaired the Ethereal Lock spell so that it works. * Breath weapons are now arcs. * Pixies can now be Wizards. * Fixed the 'monster light out of sync' bug. * Monsters take poison, just as deadly as player poison * Crown of Dragonkind too nice, added aggravation to it. * Increased the value of Invisibility by decreasing the number of monsters who posses SEE_INVIS. * Monsters breath at Invisible players, at least in their direction. DrAngband 2.9.6 (Sept 2000) --------------------------- * Monsters may carry light and illuminate the dungeon. * Rogues and Rangers get an automatic critical hit against sleeping foes. * Added the Priest Spell of Ethereal Lock. It prevents all forms of teleport and summoning. No one enters the battle, no one leaves. :) * Fractal Attacks. You will attack an adjacent monster until all your attacks are used up. * Damage from poison toned down. It was much too deadly before. DrAngband 2.9.5 (10/2/2000) --------------------------- * New sling ammo: Silver Shots. They do extra damage to evil creatures. * _REALLY_ nasty escorts for Sauron and Morgoth! * Oangband throwing and well-balanced items. * Dragon weapons tweaked. * (Infinite) Random artifacts. * Fixed zero-divide bug caused by curse weapon scrolls. * Mage 'striking' spell now kicks monsters back 2 tiles. * Angband 2.8.5 stat buying method for character creation. DrAngband 2.9.4 (2/2/2000) -------------------------- * -t switch for various X11 fonts. * Much nicer GCU bigscreen support. ^^ Above changes after beta release. ------------------------------------ * Globe of Resilience reduces damage to 2/3. * *Massive* changes to mage spellbooks. Mage class renamed to wizard. * Almost nothing is immune to confusion, sleep and slowing. * Destruction no longer destroys everything. Sometimes creates rubble. * project() code from oangband: Arc spells. * Removed all forms of genocide. * Wands/staves and rods of various types (confusion, sleep, slow monster) rarer since the effect is more powerful. * Fixed bug (from 2.9.2) in character info screen. * Added pretty colours when looking at spell books (Angband 2.8.5). * Doors harder for monsters to destroy. Different colours for broken doors. * Changes to some monster melee attacks. * Reorganisation of edible things. * Curse removed from Crown of Dragonkind. * New attack. [no spoilers!] * Some reorganisation of priestly spells. * Cavern levels rarer. * Dragon melee bonuses lowered. * Arrows fired by monsters are sometimes dropped. * Widescreen! * Detection and mapping spells work by radius, not screen size. * Character dumps now appended to end of character log files. * 52 item inventory. * Oangband traps. DrAngband 2.9.3 (28/11/99) -------------------------- * More changes to Multi-hued dragons. They now get acid, elec, fire and cold resist from the start and gain double resistances and poison as before. Marginal stat improvements. Don't want to overshoot their rebalancing. * Other dragon changes: +3 INT and better saving throw for Copper Dragons. Copper and Bronze dragon colours switched. * Updated version of fractal caves patch (sfpatch5.tar.gz), with random vaults! * Lighter DSMs. * Fixed stupid bug in RNG offers (accidentally removed from version 2.9.2). Also made cheaper. * Notes (:) may now be appended to a file. Noting '@info' will do an automated note of experience, level, depth, gold, etc. * Lightsources reorganised. * Unix/Curses & X11 (main-gcu.c and main-x11.c) 50-line support. * Fixed nasty bug in mushrooms of poison. DrAngband 2.9.2 (18/11/99) -------------------------- * Added racial gold adjust for multi-hued dragons. * Removed EASY_KNOW from rings of ice, flames and lightning. Depth decreased, rarity increased so warriors can activate them more easily. * Cleaner implementation of 'show player by race'. * 'Balancing' changes to dragon races: Copper dragons now get double disenchantment resistance at level 40. Crystal dragons get double shard resistance at level 40. Bronze dragons get double confustion resistance at level 40. Brass dragons get double sound resistance at level 40. Fixed their racial power. Multi-hued dragons have a higher exp penalty, slighly lower stats, lower DEX, INT and WIS and only reach double resistance. Hopefully they will be less overpowered now! Multi-hued dragons: Resistance to poison at level 45. Considerably redesigned multi-hued dragon racial powers. * Amulets of resistance. * Amulets of Invisibility are much deeper now. * New town layout [startup] option. The new town layout is defined in t_info.txt. Currently only one the normal [vanilla] and one single new layout are supported. In future many more may be available. * Fixed some bugs in the application of rng offers. You may now enter the town after offering an item without losing the object level bonus. The autoscummer no longer causes problems, either. * Monsters resistant to electricity are no longer stunned by it. * Renamed 'Brass' dragons to Gold dragons. * Earthquake kills monsters stuck in walls [Tim Baker]. * Player ghosts as they were in DrAngband 2.0. * Cloaks of Free Action. * Ring of speed depth and rarity changed. * Some alterations to the way RNG bribery is handled. * Updated main-emx.c and makefile.emx files for OS/2 support. * Low dragon scale mails given shallower depth. PDSM given confusion. * Warriors made better with magical items. * Dragon Scale Mails recharge *much* quicker. * Amulets of the magi INT bonuses reduced. * Invisibility sucess now dependent on player stealth. * Bone files only deleted when the ghost is slain. Kind of like preserve mode for ghosts. * Player ghosts given various other nasty powers... New flavours of dragon ghosts. * Electricity stuns the player. Meteors damage walls. * Greater basilisks. * Steven Fuerst's fractal caves patch! * Experimental 50 line support. Allows the cave to be displayed over larger screens. Set with -b switch. * Many changes to make use of new screen space. * More dangerous poison. * Fixed identify_fully when used on stuff with many attributes. * Special feeling now given in non-preserve mode. * Lousy RNG offers are penalised. * Resistance to poison no longer makes you immune to the effects of poison. Cure poison made rarer on various types of healing. * Support for 50 line mode in OS/2 (main-emx.c) and -b switch now takes number of lines (Alexey Guzeev). DrAngband 2.9.1 (2/11/99) ------------------------- * TM_CURSE upgraded to every 50 turns and nastified in other ways... * Dragons get extra +hit and +dam bonuses. * Invulnerability now halves damage. Name changed. * No 100% safety from theft. * Yeek racial power 'flee in terror' (Haste 5+d5, terror 5+d10). Pixie racial power 'throw pixie dust' (confuse monster). * Other racial powers fail rate lowered. * The One Ring Activation more powerful. Given invisibility, too. * New artifact crown for dragons. It is TM_CURSED when used by non-dragons. * Dragon's teeth and claws correctly shown in character dumps. * Staves, wands and rods more powerful. * Mages are useless with bows. Wands should be their bows. * Rings of Confusion resistance (mostly for dragons). * Invisibility shown as '*' in see_invis field. * Mage spells 'Mana Bolt' and 'Resist Electricity'. * [Some] Orcs can fire arrows. (Monster) Archery attacks marginally boosted. * Resist light & dark on shadow cloaks. * Bonus to digging for dragons. * 'Amulet s' bug fixed. * Default options saving feature. * Keymap dump bug fixed. * Chests usually drop good items. * Detect doors now detects locked and jammed doors. * Multi-hued Dragons: 4 basic resists, single, double, treble and quadruple resisted at levels 0, 25, 35 and 45 respectively. * Race name now no longer overflows onto dungeon map with big names. * Dragon attack message order corrected (Bite, Claw, Bite, Claw, ...) * New main-gcu.c. (Whose?) * Weapon skills: Stabbing, fencing, hafted and polearms. Implementation is transparent. Compare hobbit rogues using daggers with using maces or axes for a good example of the effects of this. Also priests with edged weapons or polearms. * Priest -2 to hit,dam when using edged or polearms removed because the new weapon skills penalise *far* more realistically. * Ring of Speed rarity and depth changed to prevent mid-game boredom. * Fixed curse armour scrolls so they trash dragon's cloaks and not their first ring. * Actual object quality boost to next level when offering stuff to the RNG! This can result in objects up to 40 levels out of depth when making particularly generous offerings. * Fixed a 'bug' in the fake artifact names patch caused by over-running the normal 80 byte buffer. * Faster ranger psuedo-id. DrAngband 2.9.0c (28/10/99) [Not released] --------------------------- * 'O' is now 'Use racial power' on the rogulike keyset. Still 'U' on the normal one. * ^O (Ctrl-O) is now 'Offer item to the RNG' on the roguelike. Still 'O' on the normal one. DrAngband 2.9.0b (27/10/99) --------------------------- * Fixed major bug in staff and wand stacking. Angband 2.8.3 -> DrAngband 2.9.0 (Started 24/10/99) --------------------------------------------------- * Player invisibility. INVIS (equipment) and SEE_INVIS (monster) flags added. (TR3_INVIS, RF2_SEE_INVIS). * Artifact Arrows. 'Bard' and 'Hellblazer'. * 25% breakage of arrows (from 50%). * Immunities shown as *, temp resists shown as #. * Amulets of the Magi now give intelligence instead of searching and a random high resistance. * 1 Extra shot at level 30 for Warriors with any ranged weapons. * Extra shots at levels 20 and 40 for Rogues with slings. * Rings of poison resistance to depth 2000', rarity 3, value 12000 (from depth 3000', rarity 2, value 16000). * 'Elemental' rings activate for double resistance. Ring of Acid changed to Ring of Lightning. * Globe of Invulnerability now only reduces damage (that reaches take_hit()) to 1/3. Eg mana storm = 550hps / 3 = 183hps with the new globe. * New TM_CURSE. Based on the TY_CURSE. It has a 1/TM_CURSE_CHANCE (100) chance of activation each turn. Effects range from draining experience and stats to summoning multiple ancient dragons, high undead, demons and uniques. * Iron Helm of Gorlim, Two Handed Sword 'Mormegil' and weapons of morgul have gained the TM_CURSE. * Leon Marrick's Oangband Rod stacking. Rod recharge times moved to pval field of k_info.txt. * [Monster] Dragon melee damage massively increased. * get_rnd_line() borrowed from Zangband. * 'O' command offers items to the Random Number God (RNG). Note -- Artifacts can be offered and will disappear permenently if offered. Rng.txt, rng0-5.txt have the RNG responses. * 4th spell book 'Genocide' spell changed to 'Plasma Storm', a 5 * plev damage radius 3 plasma ball. Level 37, cost 23 mana. * Raal's Tomes spells considerably powered up. * 'Fake' Artifact names can be created by inscribing items with #. Eg Longsword (2d5) (+9,+9) inscribed with @w0#'Ringil' will appear as a Longsword 'Ringil' (2d5) (+9,+9) {@w0}. This is a nice feature so you can name your non-artifacts (although it does work on artifacts. eg "The Glaive of Pain 'Tomthanc'".) * OPT_testing_stack, OPT_testing_carry and OPT_alert_hitpoint options now on be default. * Resist chaos no longer gives hidden resistance to confusion. All artifacts that previously gave resistance to chaos now give proper resistance to confusion also. * Resistances accumulate. * All the old DrAngband races. * Rings of sustaining and resistance. * Dragon racial powers activated with 'U'. Code borrowed from Zangband. * Priest spell 'Detect Traps' changed to 'Spiritual Hammer' and 'Detect Doors/Stairs' changed to 'Detect Doors/Traps' (although it also detects stairs.) * Nice new powers give to *slay* ego items. * Monsters from Drangband 2.0 (from zangband). * Slays applied to total melee damage. Slays smaller for melee than for ranged attacks. * "Show player by race" option to show dragons as Ds. Best used with "hilite player with the cursor" so you always know which D is you! Changes from Angband 2.7.8b2 to old Drangband versions ------------------------------------------------------ Added new character races: Pixies (- str,con + dex,int +10speed, confusion attack) Yeeks (-5 to everything, but advance quickly) Crystal Dragons (res shards, free action, shard bolt, extra +25 AC) Copper Dragons (res dis, freeact, regen, dis ray) Bronze Dragons (res conf, regen, conf bolt) Brass Dragons (res sound, regen, stun bolt, BAD stealth!!!) Psuedo Dragons (res light,dark,blind, regen, light ray) All dragons also get resist fear and featherfall, a bonus to AC, can dig and fight without weapons, and instead of normal equipment carry an amulet, six rings, a light, a cloak, and a crown. They also (in general) have bad stealth and horrible CHA, and (non-dragon) shopkeepers hate them. Breath weapons and Pixilate use 'P'. Deleted the mage spell of cure poison, and the priest spells of detect doors and detect traps. Added mage spells cone of cold, lightning bolt (old lb renamed to spark), wall of fire, ray of force, and resist lightning. Changed spell damages. Added priest spells detect doors/traps and spiritual hammer. Added about 40 new monsters. Added rings of resistance and rings of sustaining. Added a few empty mineral veins Fixed a nasty artifact bug. I think. ------ Changes from Drangband 2.0 Changed hp/spells/mana per level to use tenth points rather than half points. Added my favorite little Golden Retrievers. :) Added resist poison to the list of higher resists, and feather fall to lower. Added random higher resists to amulets of the magi. Added resist poison to Defenders. Added fire immunity to Slay Demon. Added possible stat bonuses to the other crappy ego-weapons. Changed the roguelike key for breath weapons to 'O' (so it can actually be used). Extended the blows table to give 7 or 8 attacks for VERY high str/dex.